Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Song Remains The Sam

Yon big-ups are still trundling in for Sam Millar’s BLOODSTORM, people, and everyone seems to be singing from the same – albeit unusually blackly comic – hymn-sheet. To wit:
“BLOODSTORM is a dark, edgy thriller, introducing Karl Kane as the first genuine anti-hero private detective – a man not afraid to bend the rules to straighten the law, and loves nothing better than to get down and dirty for the underdogs of society. Millar has created a brilliant warts-and-all anti-hero for us all to cheer on.” – Hooker Magazine

“BLOODSTORM is a classy, on-the-edge-of-your-seat thriller. Relentlessly violent it may be, but nevertheless delivers - in bloody spades - what it tells you on the cover. A sure-shot hit from Belfast’s most controversial writer …” – Sunday Life

“Sam Millar’s latest book BLOODSTORM is a gripping, disturbing read shot through with elements of dark humour. You will find yourself still reading at three in the morning not wanting to put the book down except to go and check that the doors and windows are
really secure. What Millar is clearly very good at is telling a story and in doing so he creates set piece scenes which will stay in your head for years to come.” – Ulla’s Nib
All we want to know is, how the hell do get ourselves reviewed in Hooker Magazine? Meanwhile, the effortlessly cool Albedo One – Ireland’s Magazine of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror – has an in-depth interview with our Sam, according to our Sam, but we’re in no position to verify or deny that information, since it costs a whopping €2 – yes, that’s €2! – to download the pdf version and we’re more tight-fisted than a guy who had just balled his fist to punch a nun collecting for charity when he got struck by lightning, and shrivelled up, thus rendering his fist tightly fisted for all eternity, or until we reach the end of this (fac)simile, whichever comes sooner. The bottom line? Never punch nuns during adverse weather conditions, or even try to, and buy Sam Millar’s BLOODSTORM. Did we mention we’re giving this advice away for free?

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Declan Burke has published a number of novels, the most recent of which is ABSOLUTE ZERO COOL. As a journalist and critic, he writes and broadcasts on books and film for a variety of media outlets, including the Irish Times, RTE, the Irish Examiner and the Sunday Independent. He has an unfortunate habit of speaking about himself in the third person. All views expressed here are his own and are very likely to be contrary.