Saturday, June 21, 2008

One Of These Kids Is Doing His Own Thing …

There’s no good reason for republishing this pic from Bristol Crime Fest (l-r: Maxine, Rhian, Karen, El Cheesalero – with Ms Witch lurking with intent, no doubt, just out of picture) except to say that three of the four crime fiction bloggers are superb exponents of what they do, which is to let the world at large know about quality crime fiction writing for no reward but the joy of doing so, while the fourth is only in it for the money. If you’re in the market for insightful, illuminating conversations about contemporary crime writing, click on Petrona, It’s A Crime! and Euro Crime. Oh, and while you’re about it, click on Crime Scraps, whose host – the inimitable Norm – was behind the camera for this epoch-defining snap. He reckons he’s shy, but your secret is safe with us, Salman. Now, the Big Question: can we persuade Peter Rozovsky and Gerard Brennan to make it to Crime Fest 2009? Only time, that notorious tittle-tattler, will tell …


  1. I can't work out why everybody looks so different to what I expected :-(
    I envy you all meeting up at Crime Fest

  2. I know why I'm not in there! I refused to wear those silly evacuee thingies you lot are sporting. Do you think they can do something elegant and grown up next time?

  3. I commented as such in their survey, BookW, they were exceptionally silly, I agree.

  4. I commented as such in their survey, BookW, they were exceptionally silly, I agree.

  5. I don't know, I thought they looked a bit FBI. Which wouldn't make them not exceptionally silly, I know. But I didn't mind them. Cheers, Dec

  6. Oh, and Kerrie? I'd take paradise over Bristol any day ... Cheers, Dec

  7. Now I know why my Virgin Media broadband has been dysfunctional all day. I thought the Richard Branson balloon had sprung a leak, but it was so you could breach copyright and post my photos! ;o)

    Only kidding Declan you're welcome and a top man after that Irish vote to abandon the Eurovision song contest.
    You are right about the superb insight of the ladies who blog. Sorry I missed Ms Witch in the photo.

    And I have no intention of attending an identification parade in Teheran under any circumstances.

  8. Well, I'm persuaded! And I've got a year to convince my missus that it's a good idea too.


  9. Even the FBI look cooler than that. And they have guns.

    And Maxine, I mentioned it in the survey, too. Maybe next time it'll be something unbelievably fetching.

  10. I must say Dec... the sight of you holding a "Rainy Day Bear" shopping bag brought a twitch of a smile to my face. It is always refreshing to find people who are that secure in themselves. ;)


Declan Burke has published a number of novels, the most recent of which is ABSOLUTE ZERO COOL. As a journalist and critic, he writes and broadcasts on books and film for a variety of media outlets, including the Irish Times, RTE, the Irish Examiner and the Sunday Independent. He has an unfortunate habit of speaking about himself in the third person. All views expressed here are his own and are very likely to be contrary.