Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Best Things In Life Are Free … Books

The wonderfully generous folk at Hard Case Crime – i.e., Charles Ardai – have been good enough to offer Crime Always Pays three copies to give away of the forthcoming Ken Bruen / Jason Starr collaboration, THE MAX, being the third in the increasingly weird ‘n’ wonderful pulp noir series by two of the finest crime fiction scribes in the business. First, the blurb elves:
When last we saw Max Fisher and Angela Petrakos, Max was being arrested by the NYPD for drug trafficking and Angela was fleeing the country in the wake of a brutal murder. Now both are headed for eye-opening encounters with the law—Max in the cell blocks of Attica, Angela in a quaint little prison on the Greek island of Lesbos ...
Erm, just as well this ain’t a family-friendly blog, eh? Anyhoo, to be in with a chance of winning a copy, just answer the following question.
Is the classical Greek poet Sappho most closely associated with the island of:
(a) Lesbos;
(b) Sapphos;
(c) never mind that oul’ shite, is THE MAX illustrated?
To enter, just leave your answer in the comment box below with a contact email address (please use (at) rather than @ to confound the spam-munchkins) before noon on Wednesday, June 11. Et bon chance, mes amis


  1. Re: THE MAX
    The answer is "C" of course!


    Thank you,
    Alan Cranis
    Los Angeles, California

  2. A) Lesbos


    arkay at MidnightFiction period com

  3. Don Anderson said...
    A or C

  4. The answer is a) Lesbos but, judging from the cover, c) would be really nifty.


  5. a) Lesbos

    I'd offer up c) but I don't think the illustrations would be quite up my alley.

    Have I told you lately how lovely I think Lily is?


  6. Sappho was from the island of Lesbos, but I'll have to buy into the majority of the crowd above me and go with "C" and your choice (been stocking up), Macallan, Jameson, Glenfiddich, or Black Bush. I'll even get someone to bake it into a pie. With a metal file in it so you can break into a quaint lil prison and um.. 'rescue' poor Angela.

    joshschrank at gmail one of those little dot thingies com

  7. Definitely A, although C seems to be a popular answer. Alas...what is the island of Lesbos for 500, Alex.

    LiamHoyle at yahoo dot com

  8. Is the classical Greek poet Sappho most closely associated with the island of:

    (a) Lesbos

    rawsonkeith at gmail dot com

  9. Crumbs. If I'd known most of you were fellow perverts, I'd have gone that route long ago ... Cheers, Dec

  10. I'll vote d) the book's mine
    coleman.keane at

  11. Josh? Pervertedness + bribes of free booze? We must have been separated at birth ... Cheers, Dec

  12. the answer is
    c would be interesting, do't you just love the covers of Hard Case Crime!!


  13. Josh - I think the original offer is more than fair, but I'll stretch my principles to offer some forged signatures. Consider at your leisure.


  14. A and C...


  15. Gerard,

    Of course you're right. I let my greed get a hold of me for a moment, apologies all around. It's a deal. The book for a black bush.

  16. A

    But being me, I could argue any of them!


Declan Burke has published a number of novels, the most recent of which is ABSOLUTE ZERO COOL. As a journalist and critic, he writes and broadcasts on books and film for a variety of media outlets, including the Irish Times, RTE, the Irish Examiner and the Sunday Independent. He has an unfortunate habit of speaking about himself in the third person. All views expressed here are his own and are very likely to be contrary.