Monday, June 16, 2008

The Best Things In Life Are Free … Books

The generous folk at Serpent’s Tail have been kind enough to offer us three copies of Adrian McKinty's THE BLOOMSDAY DEAD to give away, with the blurb elves wittering thusly:
Michael Forsythe might be, as one of his assailants puts it, ‘un-fucking-killable’, but that doesn’t seem to deter people from trying. He’s living in Lima, reasonably well-hidden by the FBI’s Witness Protection Program, but Bridget Callaghan, whose fiancé he murdered twelve years ago, has an enduring wish to see him dead. So when her two goon assassins pass him the phone to speak to her before they kill him, Michael thinks she just wants to relish the moment. In fact, out of desperation, she is giving him a chance to redeem himself. All he has to do is return to Ireland and find her missing daughter. Before midnight. Tenacious and brutal, with the hunted man’s instinct for trouble, Forsythe leaves a trail of mayhem as he tries to end the bloody feud once and for all. THE BLOOMSDAY DEAD pulsates with break-neck action and wry literary references; McKinty’s distinctly Irish voice packs a ferocious punch.
Those dulcet tones? Shurely shome mishtake. Anyhoo, to be in with a chance of winning a copy, just answer the following question.
Is the structure of THE BLOOMSDAY DEAD loosely modelled on:
(d) Sorry, I came over all unnecessary from the heady waft of testosterone. What was the question again?
Answers via the comment box, leaving an email contact address (please use (at) rather than @ to confuse the spam-munchkins), before noon on Thursday, June 19. Et bon chance, mes amis


  1. I hear a warped, Irish, "Oh Brother Where Art Thou" in the making... I'm going with A. Well, actually I'm going with Mandy at the present time, but if we ever break up I'm definitely going with A.

  2. Uh, A

    But being me, I could argue for any of them.

    plastic.santa (at)

  3. Hey, doesn't that look like your cover, except your gun is smokin'?

  4. Patricia, are we talking about his book?

  5. Thanks, Patricia. I have it on good authority the books are actually unidentical twins, separated at birth and raised on different continents, only for them to come together again years later via some deus ex machina to discover how much they have in common. I'm thinking there might be a book in it ... Cheers, Dec

  6. I say A. Nice timing, I am just reading The Dead Yard and was drawn over by that strong waft of testosterone.

  7. Is the structure of THE BLOOMSDAY DEAD loosely modelled on:

    A big bad D

  8. Hi Dec

    I will go with a)Ulysses.



  9. I'm newly single so my answer has to be (d). Definitely (d) baby.

    norby871 (at)

  10. Well...the answer is probably A. But it ought to be D. Life is sometimes complicated like that

    Alan Cranis
    acranis at

  11. Forgot to include me name. Try again: The answer is A, but it ought to be D. There! That's better.


  12. A part of me wants to say (a), but to be honest, I have to go with (d).


    P.S. Since I've got a beautiful crop of cherries from my tree this year, I'm hocking cherry pie now. Hope that's okay.

  13. everyone seems to have the same thoughts. i say the answer is A but i do prefer D.

    lone_hammy (at)


Declan Burke has published a number of novels, the most recent of which is ABSOLUTE ZERO COOL. As a journalist and critic, he writes and broadcasts on books and film for a variety of media outlets, including the Irish Times, RTE, the Irish Examiner and the Sunday Independent. He has an unfortunate habit of speaking about himself in the third person. All views expressed here are his own and are very likely to be contrary.