Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The First Item On The Agenda: When’s The Split?

Pat Mullan (right) gets in touch with news for ‘Irish writers of thrillers, crime, mystery, suspense’. Basically, the International Thriller Writers organisation is going, well, international, and Pat is your genial host of the forthcoming Irish chapter. The good news? Membership is free. Quoth Pat:
“Long-term we’d like to see international participation in the growing number of projects ITW is getting off the ground, from anthologies to audio serial thrillers. But, first, we need you to join. Won’t it be a good thing to have our own organization here in Ireland: ITW Ireland?”
Being the helpful type, Pat provides of an example of what ITW membership can achieve, to wit:
“Jassy Mackenzie, a young South African writer, joined ITW and rapidly found her new book written up as an interview with a fellow author, Robert Gregory Browne, in the U.S. You can see the results here ...”
So there you have it. If you want to avail of the benefits that being a member of ITW brings in its wake, you can sign up here. If you have any queries, please feel free to contact Pat Mullan at Pat? Best of luck with the project, squire - everyone knows that the first item on the agenda of any Irish organisation is, ‘When’s the split?’ …


  1. Thanks, Dec! And to all Irish writers (or writers based in Ireland): if you write thrillers/crime/mystery/suspense - even 'literary' works that thrill, we want you in ITW IRELAND. Don't you want our work to be held in equal esteem? Wouldn't you like to see us elevated to the status of those who compete for the IMPAC Award and the MAN Booker prize? Why not? Yes, why not have our own prestigious annual award?

    If you agree with me, join us at ITW IRELAND and send me an email to confirm.

    Thank you,
    Slan, Pat.

  2. I'd been considering joining ITW for a while - I guess this seals it. Sign me up.

    The topic of an Irish crime writers association was raised in conversation a couple of times in Dun Laoghaire - personally, I think it's a terrific idea. I don't know whether an Irish chapter of ITW would constitute as much, but it's certainly a start.


Declan Burke has published a number of novels, the most recent of which is ABSOLUTE ZERO COOL. As a journalist and critic, he writes and broadcasts on books and film for a variety of media outlets, including the Irish Times, RTE, the Irish Examiner and the Sunday Independent. He has an unfortunate habit of speaking about himself in the third person. All views expressed here are his own and are very likely to be contrary.