Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Burke And McFetridge, Going Dutch: Part The Second

John McFetridge is telling a story about over at his internet lair how he and I got stuck into some good old-fashioned blagging on the way to the Baltimore Bouchercon. All I’m saying is I never got no Timbits. Quoth John:
I was next in line when Declan came in and stood beside me, saying, “Couldn’t do it here, though, have to stand in line so long there’d be miles of footage,” and he motioned to the camera on the wall behind the cash.
  I said, “Yeah, and these places are always crowded.”
  We ordered, me explaining that a double-double is coffee with two cream and two sugar and Declan saying, “There’s still room for the coffee, then,” and asking for it black with sugar. We also got a box of Timbits.
  Walking back through the parking lot to the car I said, “I wonder sometimes what Tim Horton would have thought about Timbits,” and Declan said, “There’s really a Tim Horton?”
  “People think he’s like Ronald McDonald. No, he was a hockey player. Started the first one of these places with a cop in Hamilton.”
  Back on the road, Declan said, “But there are some places you don’t have to stand in line?”
  The only quibble I have with all this is that 'Declan' is not a cool name for a stick-up guy. Now read on …
  Part 1 is here.
  Part 2 is here.


  1. What are Timbits? Are you better off without them?

    You're right. People who do stick-ups are better called Karen. Want to change?

  2. I said, I NEVER GOT NO TIMBITS. I know nothing about nothing.

    I'd make a better stick-up artist as Karen, no doubt. I even look like a Karen ... except for that radiant Karen Meek, of course.

    Cheers, Dec

  3. See, it's a good thing they don't hold Bouchercon here in Ohio. If you would have had that conversation here, I'm more than confident that the two of you would have ended up face down on the floor with over half of your fellow patrons inserting 9mm barrels into orifices that you never knew you had. Ohio's concealed carry law has given new meaning to the adage, "An armed society is a polite society." It would be the equivelant of saying "bomb" in a crowded airport.

    Oh, and hi! I'm on my upswing. ;)


Declan Burke has published a number of novels, the most recent of which is ABSOLUTE ZERO COOL. As a journalist and critic, he writes and broadcasts on books and film for a variety of media outlets, including the Irish Times, RTE, the Irish Examiner and the Sunday Independent. He has an unfortunate habit of speaking about himself in the third person. All views expressed here are his own and are very likely to be contrary.