Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Sheila, Take A Bow

I was on my way to take part in a panel on Saturday at Bristol’s Crime Fest when I met Sheila Quigley (right) on the stairs, coming back from the swimming pool. “You’d want to get downstairs for a swim, son,” she says, “you look like shite.” Nice.
  I’d come across Sheila’s name before, and presumed with a moniker like that she was an Irish crime writer, only to find she’s a Sunderland lass going back generations – it’s her husband who brings the ‘Quigley’ element to the party. Anyway, as of last weekend, I’m officially adopting Sheila Quigley as an Irish crime writer under the ‘married-to-bloke-who-has-an-Irish-grandfather’ rule, mainly because she’s so shy and retiring and seems to need someone to speak up on her behalf (koff) …
  So – the business end of things. Sheila’s current novel is EVERY BREATH YOU TAKE, but THE ROAD TO HELL is due in November, from indie publisher Tonto Books, which has this for its manifesto: “To help support and nurture writers and value them as an integral part of the publishing industry.” Y’know, it’s so damn crazy it might just work …


  1. That sounds just like Sheila; she was great, wasn't she!

  2. She won't be voting for you, then.

  3. LOL - I can just imagine her saying it. She's brilliant. And she obviously knows what she's talking about since she told ME I looked 10 years younger than last year...mind you, she might have meant I looked about 90 last year...

    I did vote for you the other day but it wouldn't let me do it again today, clever buggers these machines.
    Also you forgot about my sat nav with sexy Irish voice. Whom I constantly argue with on long journeys.

  5. Sheila, love, those sexy Irish voices ... they're all in your head. Worst thing is, they're always bloody right ...

    Donna? It's your shoes. Next year I'm wearing kitten heels ...

    Cheers, Dec


Declan Burke has published a number of novels, the most recent of which is ABSOLUTE ZERO COOL. As a journalist and critic, he writes and broadcasts on books and film for a variety of media outlets, including the Irish Times, RTE, the Irish Examiner and the Sunday Independent. He has an unfortunate habit of speaking about himself in the third person. All views expressed here are his own and are very likely to be contrary.