Monday, March 23, 2009

Some Sentimental Musings On Turning 40

Yet another rather fine weekend was had by your humble host, folks. As some of you already know, I turn 40 today. It’s also Lilyput’s first birthday on Thursday, 26th, and it was my mother’s birthday yesterday, Sunday, which was also Mother’s Day. So it was off to Sligo for the Family Vizier, and a splendiferous time was had by all. The book-shaped cake above was provided by said mother, by the way, who has always been my Number One fan. I think she’s just glad I can spell, and I haven’t the heart to tell her about spell-check.
  Anyhoos, and at the risk of tempting fate, I realised while driving to work last week that I’ve pretty much achieved everything I’ve ever wanted to from life. The big stuff, anyway – find a soul-mate, have a baby, get a book published. So what now? I guess it’s a matter of recalibrating the ambitions: have another baby; write better books, so that it becomes possible to earn an actual living from the process; become a worthy husband and father; become a quantum physicist.
  I guess it’s the human condition to always want more. But – and again, at the risk of tempting fate – right now, on the 23rd of March, 2009, I’m a happy man. Not particularly balanced and well-rounded, or smart or successful, but content, with who I am and what I’ve done and the people around me. All of which may not sound very dramatic, but – like most people – there were long periods in my life when even that much seemed like a fantasy too far.
  Life is good, folks. Life is good and interesting and full and surprising. If the next 40 years are half as good as the first, I’ll go out a happy man. Peace, out.
Life highlights to date:

1. Lily May Burke is born on the 26th of March, 2008.
2. Mrs Grand Vizier makes a mockery of her reputation for being an astute observer of the human condition by marrying your humble host, April 2006.
3. EIGHTBALL BOOGIE published, April 2003.
4. THE BIG O published in the U.S., September 2008.
5. Winning the All-Ireland Minor (B) Hurling Final at Croke Park for Sligo, versus Tyrone, in 1987.
6. Graduating from junior to senior at Sligo Library at the age of 11, a full year before I was legally entitled to, and a full year after beginning petition to achieve same, 1980.
7. Wexford beat Limerick to win the All-Ireland Hurling Final, 1996.
8. Liverpool beat AC Milan 3-3 to win the European Cup (aka Champions League) for the fifth time, 2005.
9. Touching down in the Greek islands for the first time, 1991.
10. Making it to 40.


  1. im shocked and appalled. what have you against limerick hurling? :)

  2. Happy birthday! Here's to 40 more...

  3. Happy birthday indeed. Love the cake.

  4. And a resounding success in the Swedish literary stakes to boot!
    Salutations of the day from the Big 'Un in Exile.
    Oh, and the posse hope to see you all soon.

  5. And straight in at nr. 11:
    surviving all those hair-raising trips down College hill on the bar of a bike every day for five years!

  6. THE BIG 4-0. Sorry, couldn't resist. Happy birthday, man.

  7. Happy birthday, Dec. The cake looks gorgeous.

  8. Happy birthday, sir. And remember, 40 is the new 30.

  9. Let me join in the chorus of wishing you the happiest of birthdays, Declan.


  10. What a positive B-Day post. Nice to hear someone is happy about their life at any age.

    Many happy returns, Dec.

    Luv the cake!

  11. Congrats and a toast to the next 40 being just as good, better even. It's a rare individual who recognizes his personal wealth.

  12. Very nice cake. Is there any left?

    (Word verification is 'daling'. Forgotten the 'r' I think.)

  13. Happy Birthday! (even if I prefer Toffees eh eh)

    Ach, someone already beat me to the Big 4-0 pun!

  14. Lovely post Dec - it brought a wee tear to my sentimental eye. And the cake made my mouth water. Please let your mum know my birthday is in September and I would like a cake in the shape of a shoe.

    Happy birthday and here's wishing you many many more highlights.


  15. If a man's wealth can be measured by the quality of his friends, you-- er, have more than enough for a quaff and a kip. Many more happy occasions to you and yours!
    Detectives Beyond Borders
    “Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home”

  16. Happy birthday. Also, I must agree with others about how good that cake looks.

  17. Happy Birthday Dec, thanks for taking the time to corrosponde (particually today.)

  18. Lucky indeed is the man who knows his luck.

    And I must say, my dear, that you are still only a mere boopster yourself.

  19. Marco, squire ... you're an Everton man? That would explain a lot. My commiserations ...

    Seanag - we can all only boop to our best abilities. To paraphrase Beckett - boop, boop again, boop better.

    Colin, had it been a league title instead of that pesky European Cup malarkey they keep winning, it would've been Top 5.

    Donna - edible shoes are the devil's work. Trust me, I know ...

    Everyone else - many thanks for the kind words, I really appreciate it. Here's to another 40 half as good ...

    Cheers, Dec

  20. Happy birthday Declan. Hope the celebrations went well!


Declan Burke has published a number of novels, the most recent of which is ABSOLUTE ZERO COOL. As a journalist and critic, he writes and broadcasts on books and film for a variety of media outlets, including the Irish Times, RTE, the Irish Examiner and the Sunday Independent. He has an unfortunate habit of speaking about himself in the third person. All views expressed here are his own and are very likely to be contrary.