Sunday, September 30, 2007

Bruen Up A Perfect Storm

Well, it was almost perfect – Sir Kenneth of Bruen didn’t exactly sweep the boards at the Alaska Bouchercon, but he gave them a damned good polishing. First he picked up the Barry Award for Best British Novel for Priest, then went one better by claiming the Shamus (again!) in the Private Eye Writers of America’s competition, for The Dramatist. Not content with that, he then scooped a Crime Spree Magazine gong for American Skin in the, erm, Best Ken Bruen Book of the Year Award. Not bad for a Galway lad, eh? And leaving aside the semi-mythical '2nd Shamus' win, the fact that Bruen won awards for separate titles would have been a marvellous achievement in itself, except for the fact that he was nominated – along with Jason Starr – in yet another category, Best Paperback Original in the Barrys, and for yet another title, Bust. Which makes it even more wonderful than marvellous, if such a thing is possible. The big question: could it have happened to a nicer guy? We think not … The bigger question: will the achievement warrant a mention in the Irish media? Again, sadly, we think not … Meanwhile, full details of winners and losers in all categories are available at The Rap Sheet.


  1. Just marvelous! Ken is the most unique voice to come out of Ireland in decades. Irish literature is enriched by him.

    And yet, he's hardly recognized in his own country.

    We've got to do something about that. You've got a voice, a podium, Dec. Use it to launch the campaign ...

    Slan, Pat

  2. Couldn't agree more, Pat ... I'd say Ken is Ireland's best-kept secret except there's times when it seems like it's more of a conspiracy of silence ... What more does the guy have to do? Ah well, I'll keep on plugging away here ... Besides, when the guy's so big in the States, and pretty much everywhere else, who gives a rat's ass whether he's known here in Ireland or not?



  3. I just keep on hearing good things about Sir K of B, so here is a question, which one should I read first, as I haven't read any of his before? I know he writes a series, and I am a bit of a nerd about wanting to read series in order. Should I do that in Sir K of B's case, or is there a "type example" of his ouevre that you can recommend?

  4. Maxine,

    You can start anywhere. I love his White Trilogy books about Brant and his fatally flawed police colleagues in London - most recent being Ammunition. But start with 'A White Arrest'.

    And I highly recommend a stand alone: Dispatching Baudelaire. Just superb!

    Best, Pat.

  5. Just like Maxine, I haven't had the pleasure of reading Ken Bruen yet but am just starting London Boulevard. Sounds like I won't be disappointed. Fair play Dec for giving him plenty of mentions. By the way, just finished the Big O and really enjoyed it - well done! When's the next one coming out?

  6. Hi Karen - Hope you enjoy LB, I think it has a lovely noir twist on an old Hollywood classic ... And thanks for the kind words on The Big O. When is the next one due? Ask me again after Christmas ...! Cheers, Dec


Declan Burke has published a number of novels, the most recent of which is ABSOLUTE ZERO COOL. As a journalist and critic, he writes and broadcasts on books and film for a variety of media outlets, including the Irish Times, RTE, the Irish Examiner and the Sunday Independent. He has an unfortunate habit of speaking about himself in the third person. All views expressed here are his own and are very likely to be contrary.