Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Tales From The Cryptic

There’s more to Paul Nagle’s debut novel IRONIC than meets the eye, folks. Quoth his interweb flummery:
“Can you figure out the Ironic cryptic clue I have written into the story? I have written the answer and placed it in a gold envelope and lodged it in a bank vault for safe keeping. It will be revealed in September 2009. If you want to participate all the details are printed on the back page of the book.”
  A gold envelope, eh? Nice. Mind you, we’re still a bit in the dark as to what you actually win if you work out the cryptic clue in advance. Is there an actual prize, or do you just get that smug glow that comes with being a pain-in-the-arse shitehawker?* We need to be told. If anyone in the Paul Nagle camp can put us wise, we’d be very grateful.
  Meanwhile, the first of the cryptic clues comes in the vid below, courtesy of YouTube, with cryptic clues 2-4 also available on the same YouTube page. Roll it there, Collette …
* Peter? That’s a gratuitous one, especially for you ...


  1. I think I get it. Shitehawker = bullshit artist?

  2. A wilful bullshit artist, Dana ... a 'messer', as we'd say in Ireland.

    Cheers, Dec

  3. A prize? Hmmm, what about the honor to actually be the one that solve the cryptic clue? A prize would be nice on top of that. What about the story itself, ahve you read the book?


  4. The prize might be a gold bar. The book is very good. Interesting characters that some people could really relate to without realising before. Some interesting twists too. I have almost solved the cryptic clue, am on the right track anyway.


Declan Burke has published a number of novels, the most recent of which is ABSOLUTE ZERO COOL. As a journalist and critic, he writes and broadcasts on books and film for a variety of media outlets, including the Irish Times, RTE, the Irish Examiner and the Sunday Independent. He has an unfortunate habit of speaking about himself in the third person. All views expressed here are his own and are very likely to be contrary.