Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Best Things In Life Are Free … Books

Friendlier than Jehovah’s Witness dolphins, yon good folk at Hodder Headline Ireland. This week they’re offering you – yes, YOU! – the chance to win one of three copies of Twenty Major’s opus THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX PARK, about which the HHI blurb elves have this to say:
When Twenty gets an early morning wake-up call from Detective Larry O’Rourke it seems like any other day. But when he discovers that his friend, record-shop owner Tom O’Farrell, has been murdered and that his dying act was scrawl the number ‘60’ in blood on his chest and dial Twenty’s number into his phone, he begins to think something might be out of the ordinary. Meanwhile, time is running out for the people of Dublin. A plan has been hatched that is more sinister than seeing your granny tongue-kiss with an 18 year old and it all seems to centre around ‘Folkapalooza’, a massive free concert due to take place in the Phoenix Park. Soon Twenty and his pals from Ron’s bar find themselves plummeted into the crazy world of concert promotions, assassins, iPod-based defence systems, mad taxi drivers, office espionage and devious minds. A combination that will test their friendships, and their ability to cope with hangovers, to the limit. What does the number ‘60’ signify? Who is the ginger albino and who is he working for? Can Twenty, Jimmy the Bollix, Stinking Pete, Dirty Dave and the rest solve the puzzle before it’s too late or will Dublin succumb to the dastardly mastermind behind it all?
To be in with a chance of winning a copy, just answer the following question:
Is Twenty Major’s blog a front for:
(a) a prototype Irish neo-con vigilante group;
(b) Barry Egan’s fourteenth bid for world domination;
(c) the evil genius-style ramblings of an idiot savant dyslexic who can’t even spell the word ‘cnut’ properly?
Answers via the comment box, please, leaving an email contact address (please use (at) rather than @), before noon on Tuesday, April 29. Et bon chance, mes amis


  1. Oh my goodness, I want this book sooooo much. After flirting briefly with a), dismissing b)because I don't really know who Barry Egan is, I'm going to plump for c)
    donnaem at

  2. Definitely, without a shadow of a doubt, all three. But if pushed, I'll go with (c).

    comp at tripswitch dot com

  3. All three of the above.Definitely

  4. All of the above.
    lordpeckerhead at

  5. c michaelliddy at

  6. I'll go with "a" as after reading his blog I really really want to go blow something up..

  7. well i know for a fact he can spell cnut the correct way, who is barry egan the cnut?

    so i deduce the answer as A.
    his mob consists of b*st*rdface and his savage cat!
    micknail at gmail dot com

  8. He's definately all 3 but if i have to choose then i go with a greenandi at

  9. it has to be c.

  10. My dear Grand Vizier,

    One must account for physics in all that they do, no? It would appear (and yes, this even suprised me) that when one turns a bottle sideways the liquid within flows out, emptying the bottle. It is with great sadness, and not a little longing, that I must report the last bottle was uncorked the evening before last. So, until the replacement case arrives at the market, I've naught to offer you except a bottle of Miller High Life (the king of the bottled beers). This however, I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy let alone try to bribe an outstanding fellow such as yourself, so it would appear that the blog is in a state of temporary prohibition. My most humblest apologies to you and your readers.

    That being said, if it is currently in the running, please remove my name from the hat for this fine book. I liked the cover art enough that I went out and purchased it last night. And with that... I hear something calling my name....

    "showwie offisher, but I am NOT as think as you drunk I am..."

  11. Erm, Josh? No offence, man, but you don't ... drink, do you? Cheers, Dec

  12. GV, no offense taken at all. "Drink" is what you do with water or coffee, maybe even orange juice. "Partake in the elixir of life" is what you do with a good whiskey. Oh, and um... yes.

  13. It's likely to possibly be a. Or perhaps c. Because I really can't believe that Barry Egan is

    .../(I was almost going to be libelous, but I wasn't sure who'd be sued, GV, so I stopped. Right there. I'm certain you're relieved.)

    As a total change of topic, can alien life-forms sue for libel?

    I have nothing with which to bribe you this week, other than a glowing tribute to your adorable fairy princess. How clever she was in her first audio-visual presentation. :D Which parent does she take after?


Declan Burke has published a number of novels, the most recent of which is ABSOLUTE ZERO COOL. As a journalist and critic, he writes and broadcasts on books and film for a variety of media outlets, including the Irish Times, RTE, the Irish Examiner and the Sunday Independent. He has an unfortunate habit of speaking about himself in the third person. All views expressed here are his own and are very likely to be contrary.