Thursday, September 24, 2009


Nice buzz. Jon gets in touch to say that CRIME ALWAYS PAYS has finally gone live on Kindle, which was very decent of him. The good news is that it’s available at a knock-down, recession-busting $1.25, which means that I only have to offer one-and-a-quarter bangs per buck before I’m ahead of the curve on value for money. Modest though I may be on occasion, I think I can cover that …
  At this point I’d like to take the opportunity to not-so-gently remind you of what this blog’s good friend Dana King had to say about CRIME ALWAYS PAYS over at the New Mystery Reader recently. To wit:
“Few books in recent memory have been as much fun to read as Declan Burke’s THE BIG O. The sequel, CRIME ALWAYS PAYS, is a worthy successor … The end result is a little like what might be expected if Elmore Leonard wrote from an outline by Carl Hiaasen … [It’s] about the flow, the feel, the dialog, the interactions among characters, not knowing who’s working with—or against—who, the feeling that anything might happen at any moment. It’s as close to watching an action movie as a reading experience can be.”
  And fellow scribe Rafe McGregor was kind enough to pen this blush-making verdict:
“I’ve just finished the MS of CRIME ALWAYS PAYS, Declan Burke’s sequel to the much-praised THE BIG O. Reading the new novel was as uplifting as it was soul-destroying ... Uplifting because CRIME ALWAYS PAYS is excellent, even better than THE BIG O. It has a great plot, cool characters, and there isn’t a single word wasted. This is really fine writing, masterful to the point where if I’d received the MS anonymously, I’d have assumed it came from one of the big bestsellers like Connelly, Crais, Rankin, or Child.”
  All of which, as you can probably imagine, is very gratifying indeed. By the way, CRIME ALWAYS PAYS comes with ‘simultaneous device usage – unlimited’, which may or may not mean that it’s also available in other formats … Anyone have any ideas? I’m a total newbie here …

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Declan Burke has published a number of novels, the most recent of which is ABSOLUTE ZERO COOL. As a journalist and critic, he writes and broadcasts on books and film for a variety of media outlets, including the Irish Times, RTE, the Irish Examiner and the Sunday Independent. He has an unfortunate habit of speaking about himself in the third person. All views expressed here are his own and are very likely to be contrary.