Friday, August 22, 2008

The Embiggened O: Bringing It All Back Home

Yep, it’s a Red Letter Day, folks. One month exactly to the day when THE BIG O hits the shelves of North America, September 22nd, a box full of gorgeous hardbacks arrived at Chez Big Viz, to the delight of large and Lilliputian. In fact, so excited was Lilyput that she lost the run of herself entirely and tried to bite a chunk out of the cover’s corner. You don’t make that mistake twice …
  Anyhoos, it’s here, and suddenly the whole deal seems that bit more real. Actually, it feels a bit surreal. As if the world has taken a step closer to yours truly, or I to it. Everything seems to be in sharper focus. I suppose it’s the adrenaline buzz, but I feel like a kid on Christmas Eve.
  Harcourt – or Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, to give it its full name – have done a wonderful job on the book. I was very happy indeed with the Hag’s Head version, but I’m equally happy this one too. Kudos there to jacket designer Kelly Eismann …
  North America is a big, big place, of course, and I’m under no illusions as to how hard THE BIG O will have to work if it’s to make even the slightest impact on its release. But that’s the easiest kind of hard work I’ll ever do. I’ve worked in bars and on building sites, pumped petrol in all weathers, and worked every half-assed job you can think of. Knuckling down to promote your second-favourite baby is child’s play by comparison, and just as enjoyable.
  Speaking of which … If anyone out there is getting along to next weekend’s Electric Picnic in Stradbally, Co. Laois, I’ll be chairing a discussion on Irish crime fiction with a panel that includes Declan Hughes, Julie Parsons and Brian McGilloway. That happens at 4.30pm in the Spoken Word tent, and if it’s hammering down rain, as it is very likely to be in this wettest of Irish summers, you’ll be warm and cosy listening to us droning on. Hell, you can even bring your iPods so long as you don’t turn ’em up too loud …


  1. I loved the photo and after all most crime fiction readers are female so Princess Lilyput is getting a good start.

  2. Congratulations, and great pic! I'm curious, do you have any specific plans for marketing? Have Harcourt been cooking anything up in the US?

  3. Just wait until she asks, 'Daddy, what does that word mean?'
    Congrats Declan - looks great!

  4. You know that when Lily is a teenager, she is actually going to murder you.

  5. Sorry about that, Mr Burke. Can't control daughters these days.

    You need to be careful with bad words and young readers, now that even Jacqueline Wilson is getting reprinted because of bad language.

    Congratulations on getting this far with the book. It will do well.

  6. It looks fantastic, Dec. Can't wait to see it in the stores here.

  7. What a thrill! Not to exploit royalty, but you should probably use Princess L. in any remotely appropriate publicity you can think of...

    As a bookseller, I'm excited about the North American release too, and begged a galley from our sales rep. He wasn't able to track one down, so he's sending me a printed copy instead. I can't wait!

  8. Cheers, folks ...

    Helen, I presumed that Lily would hate me when she's a teenager ... but murder?

    Stuart, there's no specific plans for marketing, no. Basically I'm just writing a lot of material for crime fiction-based websites, blogs and magazines ... I'm depending on the kindness of strangers, really. And so far people have been exceedingly generous ... I am going over for a week or so in October to do a series of events and readings as part of a road-trip with John McFetridge, which will take us up to the Bouchercon in Baltimore ...

    Seanag - really appreciate you tracking down a copy, and would love to hear what you make of it. Planning to hit the West Coast next year, so you can be sure I'll be dropping by ...

    Cheers, Dec

  9. Great photo and congratulations on the stateside break-in. You'll do it Declan, you know you will.
    Arlene XX


Declan Burke has published a number of novels, the most recent of which is ABSOLUTE ZERO COOL. As a journalist and critic, he writes and broadcasts on books and film for a variety of media outlets, including the Irish Times, RTE, the Irish Examiner and the Sunday Independent. He has an unfortunate habit of speaking about himself in the third person. All views expressed here are his own and are very likely to be contrary.