Tuesday, May 6, 2008

What Lilyput Did Next # 204: Tiger, Tiger, Burning Bright …

A Minister for Propaganda Elf writes: Herewith, and by popular demand (or least the occasional demand from Granny Viz, Ms Witch and Princess Witch) be the Princess Lilyput’s latest outing, this time playing with the disturbingly psychedelic Tiger-Lily, who may or may not be prompted to join the general revelry by the Grand Viz (just out of picture). Those with a delicate sensibility be warned: all goes swimmingly until the last third or so, when Lilyput appears to be afflicted by what might politely be described as ‘nappy issues’. Roll it there, Collette …


  1. Oi!!!!Luke says he does not want to see his "BIRD" on the web.

    Just logged onto to Amazon and seen the cover of the book..looks Class!!!

  2. Sorry Gar, but Granny Viz has laid down the law ... so pictures of Lily it is. Cheers about the new cover ... dead chuffed with it, yeah. Cheers, Dec

  3. You know, I got to thinking the other day... (no wisecracks). You know how we always freak when our moms use to pull out the family photo album to show to our then latest flame? What has poor Lily to do?? Her dad is blogging her every movements! I can see it now, 17 years down the road. Lily has a major crush on the local rugby captain, when he comes up to her at the bike shed and says, "Yo, Lil, just caught a clip of you regurgitating some breast milk. Awesome yardage on the projectile dude!"

    I dunno Dec... Remember, she gets to pick your old folks home when you go all senile and stuff...

  4. Josh - You may be right, sir, especially about the old folks home bit. I might have to rethink this strategy entirely ... while still keeping Granny Viz in Sligo updated on how her little boopy-doop is progressing. Cheers, Dec

  5. Hello Josh, could not agree more especially "the one in the bath" comes to mind...

    Dec, don't forget the Wooz has lots of pictures of you too that could appear on this intraweb thingy....

    However, I think Lily will be long gone before it's time to put the "Son of Vizier" into a home, coz one of them is going to be heavily in debt with therapy sessions...and won't be able to afford the home...

    The next time I see Granny Vizier both Luke and i will be having words...


Declan Burke has published a number of novels, the most recent of which is ABSOLUTE ZERO COOL. As a journalist and critic, he writes and broadcasts on books and film for a variety of media outlets, including the Irish Times, RTE, the Irish Examiner and the Sunday Independent. He has an unfortunate habit of speaking about himself in the third person. All views expressed here are his own and are very likely to be contrary.