Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A Heist Of Crime Writers?

It’s a murder of crows, so it’ll have to be a heist of crime writers. Anyhoo, it’s the same all over, I know, so you won’t be too surprised to learn that crime fiction in Ireland is generally regarded as the idiot half-brother to the more suavely literary end of things. That may be about to change, however – hot on the heels of the Mystery Readers’ Journal ‘Irish Mysteries’ issue comes the news that the ‘Sunday Independent Books 2008’ literary festival will take place in Dublin over the first weekend in September, and that the powers-that-be have decreed that the festival will include a number of panels on Irish crime writing. Huzzah! The crime writing element offers a pretty strong line-up, with John Connolly, Tana French, Colin Bateman, Declan Hughes, Ruth Dudley Edwards, Gene Kerrigan, Brian McGilloway, Arlene Hunt and Alex Barclay so far confirmed to come together to plot that one last heist. Oh, and some chancing wastrel called (koff) Declan Burke will be there too. Further details will be forthcoming as they arrive at the Grand Vizier’s lair, and the official website should be up and running early next week. Stay tooned, folks …


  1. Wow, what a great line-up.

    Now, all you have to do is pull off a realistic looking laryngitis and you can sit back and enjoy...

  2. Hmm. I may just have to venture south of the border for this one...

  3. Apologies folks, but I have to back out of this one. I'm married and I'm NOT ALLOWED TO GO. Prior commitments at a wedding I knew about but obviously put out of my mind. But I will be thinking of you all, and raising a pint. Or twelve.

  4. Colin - is it the albinos? Are they forcing your hand on this? If so, just say the word and I'll send the elves in ... Cheers, Dec

  5. Fook, if I come to Ireland, that's exactly when I'll be there. Hope I'll get the chance to kick some albino ass.
    Detectives Beyond Borders
    "Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home"

  6. Congrats to all you Irish crime writers! And have a great weekend! Looking forward to seeing the details in due course...

  7. Peter Rozovsky, come on down! Oh, and we're only kidding about the albinos - we love them, really. And we don't really go around kicking their ass over here. Hope this saves on any potentially embarrassing incidents while you're on your holidays ... Cheers, Dec


Declan Burke has published a number of novels, the most recent of which is ABSOLUTE ZERO COOL. As a journalist and critic, he writes and broadcasts on books and film for a variety of media outlets, including the Irish Times, RTE, the Irish Examiner and the Sunday Independent. He has an unfortunate habit of speaking about himself in the third person. All views expressed here are his own and are very likely to be contrary.