Thursday, March 27, 2008

Mr and Mrs Grand Vizier Would Like To Announce ...

A Minister for Propaganda Elf writes: Mr and Mrs Grand Vizier would like to announce the arrival of Princess Lily (above, right) at 5.20pm on Wednesday March 26th, weighing 8lbs 12ozs, and looking remarkably like her mother at the same age if Grandad Vizier is to be believed. She currently possesses a fine pair of lungs, a grand head of dark curly hair, and her father’s heart. Further updates will follow, albeit erratically, as the Grand Vizier is suffering badly from 'Recent Father Syndrome', so please bear with us, as the normal useless service will resume shortly, aka just as soon as we can stop posting pics of Sleeping Beauty ...


  1. Oh, what wonderful news, and what a beautiful little fairy princess. I am so happy for you and Mrs G.V. Lily is such a lovely name. I do hope that mother and baby are well and happy, and that Mr G.V. continues to be suitably ecstatic.
    My very best wishes to all of your new family.


    You going to take a day off now?


  3. Have a drink on me! And when Lily is old enough, I'll buy her one, too. Congratulations!
    Detectives Beyond Borders
    "Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home"

  4. What a little beauty! Gorgeous, she is. Congrats to you and well done to mammy - that's a big baba!

  5. Oh, you snuffly fool, Burke. Don't you realise that all you've done is given me another family member to kidnap?

    (exit stage left, cackling, and then a brief return)

    Congratulations. Thought I do hope Lily doesn't take after either of her namesakes and become home to a frog. Or even worse, SING!

    Now take some time off, Grand Vizier. We can refrain from any dirty protests in your absence just this once.

  6. She is gorgeous.
    Well done to the Grand Vizier family and all the best to Princess Lily.

  7. Congratulations! Hope all continues to go well.

  8. Congratulations Dec! Great to hear she arrived safe and sound and all are doing well.

  9. Magnificent news, Dec!! Congrats to the two of you and a big "welcome to the world!!!" to Lily.

    One forecast is certain: schedules at CAP Central will be eratic for at least the next 18 months. Take as much time as needed, amigo. Just be sure to let us know where and when the traditional "head wetting" will be.

    Fellow Daddy!


  10. Congratulations! She's beautiful. My best wishes to you all too.

  11. Congratulations sir and madam-and a lovely little Lily she is.

  12. Thanks a million folks, we really appreciate the kind words. It certainly feels like the most wonderful time of my life ... Cheers, Dec

  13. Good going, Dec. I'm glad to hear that mother and daughter are doing well, and father is in the expected state of bewilderment. It's time for you to take a step back from blogging, I think. You'll be glad to have spent the extra time with your family, instead.


  14. Dec,
    Many, many congrats to you and Aileen!
    Lily is adorable!

  15. Aw Dec, I'm sitting here with a big smile on my face. Huge congrats to you and Aileen and a snuggly warm hug for baby Lily, who looks absolutely gorgeous.

  16. fab news and what a beauty! congrats to you both on yr new bundle, she WILL now be the boss so be prepared for much heart lurching!
    speak to the happy mama soon.

  17. Congrats to the two of ye, Dec, on the new arrival! She looks great :-)


  18. Many congratulations! I remember the days immediately after the birth of my daughter as the truly happiest time of my life. I envy, but do not begrudge. Gaining pleasure from children - yours, mine, anyone's - is the one infinitely renewable resource.

  19. Oh, my goodness, what a lovely addition to the royal Vizier family!! :)

    Congratulations and three cheers for the Mum and Dad! ... if Lily has her father's heart, of course she is a princess. :)

  20. Declan, I don't know why you're the one getting all the praise - it was Aileen who did all the hard work!
    Congrats to you both and may the gods watch over Lily May.
    Sam Millar

  21. Aloha, Lily!

    It's not too early to start planning a baby luau for her first birthday. That's a big big deal out here, with lots of guests and traditional island food (kalua pig, laulau, poki etc.).

  22. A few more pics of Sleeping Beauty, please! (I thought she was Princess Lily?)

    I need to go "aahhhh!" a little bit longer.

  23. Look at all these comments! Having a baby is a great way to get one's traffic up. This is a marketing device whose full potential has yet to be explored.
    Detectives Beyond Borders
    "Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home"

  24. Well, Peter, will you make the next sacrifice, then? I'm not doing this again. That's what makes Lily so special; I can ooh and aahh and enjoy myself, and not a nappy to be changed.

  25. Super news -

    Best wishes to mom too!

    Enjoy, they grow fast!


  26. Congratulations, Dec! You do realize that you will never create any work that compares? Lily is beautiful. I remember my first child - also a daughter - a few years ago now :) - I just sat and looked at her for hours, it seemed - I couldn't believe the magic of her long eyelashes, the transparency of her tiny fingernails, her little heart-shaped mouth ... see what you've done, Dec (the magic never leaves)

    So, congratulations to mom and dad and hugs to Lily.

    Slan, Pat.


Declan Burke has published a number of novels, the most recent of which is ABSOLUTE ZERO COOL. As a journalist and critic, he writes and broadcasts on books and film for a variety of media outlets, including the Irish Times, RTE, the Irish Examiner and the Sunday Independent. He has an unfortunate habit of speaking about himself in the third person. All views expressed here are his own and are very likely to be contrary.