Saturday, February 16, 2008

Yessir, We Can Boogie: The Mills & Boon Years

Ah, the Book Witch (not pictured, right) – if she was just to give us a pair of magic red shoes, we’d be back in Kansas in no time. Failing that, however, we’ll just have to make do with her review of our humble offering EIGHTBALL BOOGIE, in which she compares us to Mills & Boon. Favourably, as it happens. To wit:
Ouch! How hardboiled can you get? EIGHTBALL BOOGIE by Declan Burke bounced me straight across the Atlantic and back again. If there hadn’t been the odd reference to things Irish, I wouldn’t have believed it could be anything but American.
  For two days now I’ve had an Irish Humphrey Bogart swanning around inside my head, double-crossing and getting double-crossed. I’m exhausted by the beatings and the gunshot wounds, to the extent that I believe I’ve been at the receiving end of them myself. And I’ve felt the cold, and I’ve panicked slightly over being late for Father Christmas.
  By the way, what exactly is it that’s hardboiled in hardboiled fiction? Eggs? I’ve only just started wondering about this, and realised my ignorance.
  Declan is very good with language. I’d be more concerned about him overdoing it, if I hadn’t been a regular reader of his blog, which has accustomed me to his clever and witty way of expressing more or less everything. “One eye tied behind his back,” indeed!
  The plot is pure Mills & Boon, if you know what I mean. It’s a case of you get what you want and expect, and it’s perfect. It’s an intricate web of drugs and politics and, as previously mentioned, lots of double-crossing. In fact, I completely lost the plot, amongst all the turns here and there.
  Daughter walked past and pointed out the f-word at the bottom of page 211, as it caught her eye, but I replied that it pops up around twenty times per page, so was nothing to get excited about.
  This is a great first book, which has been out a few years now. Declan’s second book, THE BIG O, was published last year. So, some lucky readers have both to look forward to. Go out and buy. - Book Witch
You heard the Book Witch, people – fly, my pretties! Fly!


  1. Dream on, Mr Burke. When I finally get myself an avatar, it'll be a little different...

  2. And maybe then you can change me from a frog into a handsome prince. Although I'd settle for Prince. Cheers, Dec

  3. Oh, and I'd always believed that the handsome man at the top of this blog was no other than prince Declan himself. I'm now so confused, that you really will turn into a frog when I get going.

  4. Ms Witch - At this point we might as well just get a (cyber) room ... Cheers, Dec


Declan Burke has published a number of novels, the most recent of which is ABSOLUTE ZERO COOL. As a journalist and critic, he writes and broadcasts on books and film for a variety of media outlets, including the Irish Times, RTE, the Irish Examiner and the Sunday Independent. He has an unfortunate habit of speaking about himself in the third person. All views expressed here are his own and are very likely to be contrary.