Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Making Hay: Barclay, Bateman Hit The Festival Circuit

Nice work if you can get it, etc. - the ravishing Alex Barclay (right) and the Artist Formerly Known as Colin Bateman are the Irish representatives on the Crimewave panel (Allan Guthrie also appears) at the Guardian-sponsored Hay Festival, which runs from May 24 to June 3. It's A Crime has the truncated running list, but you can wade in up to your oxters in talking writers (lo! 'tis a paradox!) over at the official Hay Festival site. Oh, and while you're here, check out Alex's Top Ten Psychological Thrillers - she picks Jim Thompson at numero uno. Which is nice ...


  1. Hey, did you catch Alex Barclay's appearance on RTE's The Panel last night? Man, she is skinny enough to swab out the barrel of a .22 pistol! How's a lady that petite write about cops and crooks that are so big n' brutal?

    When not holding her own against The Panel's assemblage of nutters, she revealed that she is hard at work on her third novel. This one will take a break from the characters featured in Darkhouse and The Caller. Don't worry, though, they'll be back in Novel # 4.

    The experts and I agree: a most enjoyable program!

  2. Goerge Zip says...

    That Barclay is a wee belterino. And there was me thinking you got to be ugly to be a writer. I thought my good looks were hampering me. I must be no good for nothin' no how.

  3. HEY! I'm the resident good-fer-nothin' round these here parts! &: )

    That Colin Murphy from The Panel is my hero. He's not only the highlight of two of the best shows RTE has ever done, he's also the author of The Feckin' Book of Irish Slang That's Great Craic for Cute Hoors and Bowsies . (No joke!) I think he was also in the film they made of Divorcing Jack though I'm usually wrong about such things.

    PS Most authors are goofy-looking bastards. Thank God not all!

    Rock on, Alex Barclay and rock on, The Panel!


Declan Burke has published a number of novels, the most recent of which is ABSOLUTE ZERO COOL. As a journalist and critic, he writes and broadcasts on books and film for a variety of media outlets, including the Irish Times, RTE, the Irish Examiner and the Sunday Independent. He has an unfortunate habit of speaking about himself in the third person. All views expressed here are his own and are very likely to be contrary.